
BOB Warm Fuzzy in White Review

BOB Warm Fuzzy in White
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I bought this originally because I started Stroller Strides when our baby was 3-1/2 months old and didn't like his car seat when he was in the stroller.I thought this would help pad the Bob and help him fit better as well as keep him extra warm.It's pricey but it fits the stroller perfectly and now that it's summer I just turned it around.I can also put ice packs under the seat and it's thick enough that it will keep him cool but not cold.It's worth the investment to get this one made specifially for the Bob rather than a cheaper on that won't fit as well.Also helps pad the straps so they don't rub on a smaller baby.

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Product Description:
Easily inserted into any BOB stroller seat, the Warm Fuzzy's thick fleece panel and padded quilting add warmth and comfort to make your child's strolling hours more enjoyable. Our Warm Fuzzy works with both single and double strollers (Works with individual seats of Duallie strollers).

    Padded fleece panel for comfort
    Padded quilting for warmth
    Velcro straps secure it to seat

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