
Born Free Baby Products Breast Pump Adaptor Review

Born Free Baby Products Breast Pump Adaptor
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Since I am storing my milk in the Born Free bottles, this is a bit of a time saver for me. I was pumping into the smaller bottles that originally came with the Medela Pump in Style, then transfering the milk into the Born Free bottles which was wasting precious milk as well.
The adaptors are pretty straight forward to use. Although they are also a little awkward to use, I am not used to how tall the adaptor makes the bottle so I am kind of twisting my upper body sideways because the bottles cannot rest on my legs like the smaller bottles could. This doesn't bother me so much because I have a nice comfy spot to pump at while at work. I don't know how much trouble it would be for someone pumping on a smaller chair?
Overall, it works. It saves time and a little dish washing if you feed the baby straight from the bottle. I highly recommend it if you are using the Born Free bottles.
Remember you will have to purchase two if you are dual pumping. I got them for $6.99 each + shipping directly from Born Free. The adaptor currently listed on amazon is going for twice the price. I called Born Free before placing the order and they said the adaptors should become available in stores like Babies R Us sometime in November 2008, but I didn't want to wait.

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Product Description:
The Safe and Smart Feeding System
Free From Bisphenol-A, Phthalat

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