
Bedbugz Inflatable Bedrail - Denim Review

Bedbugz Inflatable Bedrail - Denim
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This is a great product for kids around 2years of age, or if your child has already mastered sleeping mostly in one direction and with a pillow. My twins were just over two when they started being able to freely jump over the crib railing and so I needed to switch them into big boys and girls beds. Couple of months before (at first signs of them wanting to put a leg over the rail) I had preemptively started training them to sleep in one direction in the cribs by putting a pillow at one end and emphasizing that this is how mommy & daddy sleep, ect. The difficulty for us was to find the right rail to fit the big beds we already had for them - daybeds. Most of the 'hard' rails on the market would not fit since the daybeds have a wooden frame and the mattress is slightly sunken in. When I saw this product and read the reviews, I knew it was the one to try, and could hardly wait to get it in the mail. We got the pink one for my daughter and the denim for my son. The kids were so excited about their new beds and since the product arrived on a Friday, we made the move that very weekend. It took two nights, but by Monday they got the feel for it. It has been 3 months now and we LOVE these bedrails. It's true that they 'shift', but we found that since the twins already were sleeping in one direction just the feeling that there is 'something' there at the edge was enough for them to remain inside the beds. This product also has helped them to learn to sleep with a cover on (never did get the concept in the cribs). I have attached the bedrails over their bedcovers so that it keeps the bed covers down - this helps with keeping the kids in the beds, but also when they toss&turn the cover does not turn with them. This was not something I expected but is a bonus as far as I'm concerned. And finally, aesthetically because of the color choices and the shape (kind of like a pillow) these bedrails are so much more pleasant to look at in a child's room than a rigid bedrail.
We are very satisfied with this product and would recommend it to any parent, with the caveat of having to 'teach' your child the basic skills for sleeping in one direction prior to moving them into a big boy/girl bed.

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