
DreamGenii™ Maternity Body Support and Feeding Pillow Review

DreamGenii™ Maternity Body Support and Feeding Pillow
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I bought this pillow based on the positive reviews on Amazon, which I want to thank every reviewer that posted. Informative shopping is the way to go. I'm overwhelmingly glad I got it - I love this pillow. That said, I've never tried another preggie pillow, so I don't have anything to compare it to. What works for me could possibly be related to my size, etc.

I'm about 5'8", small build. I've had achy hips & knees prior to being pregnant and buying a memory foam mattress topper helped remedy that. Being pregnant added new challenges. The pillow supports very well where I need it most-knees, belly, back and breasts. It is soft enough, comfortable enough and still firm enough that you can tilt on your back a bit, but still be mostly on your side as doctors recommend for pregnancy. This pillow keeps me pretty comfortable considering I'm a back sleeper and side sleeping is not natural for me.

Being pregnant, I've found myself going for roomier comfort (bigger bathroom stalls, looser clothes, isle seats, etc). I don't feel the pillow takes up too much room on our queen-sized bed typically shared with a couple of cats. I've tried using the photographic set up like you see here on Amazon & the packaging, but it doesn't suit me. I take up the right side of the bed (if you're looking at it, not in it) and I prefer to lay on my left keeping the shorter side of the pillow by the edge side of the bed for quick maneuvering to the loo in the middle of the night. This way I'm not climbing over that longer side or bonking my poor hubby or kitty in the head with it if I fold it upward. With the shorter side set up on my left, it supports my stomach and breasts better. Not to mention, then the longer side stays along my back really preventing me from rolling onto my back and the "tail end" of the pillow still curves in and supports my knees. Brilliant!

The only drawback to this product - finding additional or different pillow covers. The pillow comes with a simple white cover that's machine washable & dryable. You'll have to order covers from UK sites because this is a UK product. Shipping to the US is pricey. I was lucky enough to talk a nice UK eBay seller into letting me pay int'l shipping for his very affordably priced Dream Genii cover on eBay UK. It took a few weeks, but now I have a back up cover in case something happens to the first one (I get too pooped to wash it). I still feel happy with my purchase and that it deserves 5 stars.

After using the DG for pregnancy, we now use it as a boppy-type pillow for the baby. What I didn't mention above months ago is that the DG pillow folds into a u-shape and the baby sits inside, supporting baby's body, neck and head. During my recovery, it kept my baby very comfortable next to me or on my lap, helping with feedings or just adoring my little one. My kid loves being it and I can't be happy enough with how helpful it's been during my pregnancy and postpartum recovery. Postpartum, I was on bed rest with weight bearing restrictions, had mobility issues and the worst pain of my life. Products like this are a Godsend. It's a tool that has many uses. And I can't put a price on being able to have my baby near during this amazing, yet stressful time.

Click Here to see more reviews about: DreamGeniiandtrade; Maternity Body Support and Feeding Pillow

Product Description:
DreamGenii™ Maternity Support and Feeding Pillow, now available for the first time in the USA! The award winning and best selling maternity pillow from the United Kingdom.DreamGenii pillow was born out of Vanessa Blake's need for a good night's sleep while pregnant with her first child Lucas. After trying every pregnancy pillow on the market and still not enjoying a night's sleep, she designed her own. The DreamGenii is designed to position you in the optimal sleeping position for the health and well being of both mother and baby. The DreamGenii Pregnancy and Feeding Support Pillow is recommended by labor nurses across the UK. DreamGenii is recognized as the only specifically designed support pillow to adequately support back, bump and knees at the same time without taking up all of the room in the bed, thus allowing you and your partner to get a good night's rest. DreamGenii is designed to encourage you to sleep on your left side, in the recovery position, which, if used regularly from the second trimester, can encourage baby to get into the optimum position for birth. However, DreamGenii does not restrict your movements during the night and is just as comfortable while lying on your right hand side and gently prevents you from rolling on to your back during your sleep.Once baby has arrived, DreamGenii Maternity Pillow can be used as a feeding support pillow. The leg support fits comfortably into the small of your back, whilst the back and tummy supports fold over to form cradle shaped support for your new baby. Unlike other feeding pillows, the DreamGenii gives essential back support and allows for a comfortable position without putting any strain on any post birth aches and pains. This makes it ideal for breastfeeding and is an excellent support for women who have had a caesarean.

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